
In between wars, the prelude for more


Who Controls The Money, Controls The World

Read more about the Central Banks, Hjalmar Schacht and more...


I Believe!

Division A piece of God's work?

to Free Your Mind


Whenever the cabal invents a new scare you will notice that they have two main characteristics. The scare is either remote and/or invisible.

The public cannot verify themselves any scares that are either remote, invisible or both. Observation, verification and replication are the basic of science. It is difficult for the public to see it with their own eyes. Not only because it is remote and invisible but also because the cabal makes sure you don't have the time.

Some older and recent scare examples:
  • polar bear - remote
  • co2 - invisible
  • ozone layer - invisible
  • coral reef - remote and invisible
  • acid rain - invisible... the rain is visible but the acid particles are not.
  • viruses - invisible
And therefore the public relies on experts, media, scientists or the government for the correct representation of the subject matter. Especially in the days before the Internet, it was media like television, newspapers or magazine articles that would primarily inform the public.
Besides that, the problem as occurring today will only have its effect in 10 or more years. That is, somewhere in future, which makes it more difficult to track for the average person.
A genuine expert can always foretell a thing that is 500 years away easier than he can a thing that's only 500 seconds off.
-Mark Twain

The cabal thus tells you there is a serious problem, that you cannot see or is far away. And if there is no resolution to this problem it will become only more and more serious till the world comes to an end. However there is a solution at hand that will solve the problem, just that it will cost you something. This something can be anything like currency, land, privacy, power etc.

Now, of course if you can't see it or if it is far away, doesn't mean it cannot be a problem. There is plenty, large or small, visible or invisible, near or far that can cause issues, now or in the future. The problem here is that the scare is being misused for other things, mainly for the gains of power, monetary, privacy or (land) ownership to name a few.


In the previous articles we have seen that Event 201 was sponsored by both the WHO and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).
This foundation is also the second largest sponsor of the WHO. And it is well known that: 'He Who Pays the Piper, Calls the Tune!'

Bill Gates earned his wealth by running the largest operating system software company Microsoft. Gates co-founded Microsoft in 1975 and Windows is till date is the number one in Desktop OS and number two in 'All Platforms' OS. Hence it is still a major player in today's world.

On Friday 13 March 2020 he announced that he would step down from the board of Microsoft, to dedicate more time to philanthropic priorities including global health.

His philanthropic activities are not new, the BMGF was launched in 2000 already. And they have supported many projects over time. As we just saw, partnering with the WHO is only one of them.

One of his pet projects is the goal to eradicate polio worldwide. And the way to do so, at least according to them, is via Polio Vaccination Campaigns and Routine Immunization Systems.
When you read through that page you will notice that they do not talk about improving the quality of life by providing fresh food, clean drinking water and better sanitation. A better immune system in general will be more beneficial than using any pharmaceuticals.
Read the complete story here >>

Dr. Hjalmar Schacht

Born as Horace Greely Hjalmar Schacht on 22 January 1877 in the town of Tingleff, then Germany. Nowadays the town is known as Tinglev and is part of Denmark.
After his studies he earned a doctorate in philosophy at the university of Kiel in 1900 with a thesis about mercantilism: "Der theoretische Gehalt des englischen Merkantilismus".
In 1903 he started working at the Dresdner Bank, where he worked himself up to become the deputy director in 1908. He would stay here until 1915. During a business trip to New York in 1905 he met with JP Morgan. It was on the same trip, that he also briefly met with President Theodore Roosevelt, as he was invited to accompany Hans Schuster, member of the board of the Dresdner Bank.

During the First World War he was assigned to General von Lumm (1864–1930), the Banking Commissioner for Occupied Belgium. It was Von Lumm who dismissed Schacht when he found out that Schacht was using the Dresdner Bank to channel national bonds worth 500 million Belgium francs that were used to pay for requisitions. Von Lumm believed that Schacht’s previous association with Dresdner Bank left him open to questions being asked about his professionalism. While this could have hindered any potential advance in the banking world, it turned out to be no more than a blemish.
Read the complete story here >>

Ubuntu - Contributionism

The word ‘Ubuntu‘ originates from one of the Bantu dialects of Africa, and is pronounced as uu-Boon-too. It is a traditional African philosophy that offers us an understanding of ourselves in relation with the world. According to Ubuntu,
There exists a common bond between us all and it is through this bond, through our interaction with our fellow human beings, that we discover our own human qualities.
But this bond is not as strong as it should be. We are being alienated from our own world. We are imprisoned in our own world. You cannot freely travel where ever you want to go, you cannot live where ever you want to live, even the way to live is being dictated until certain levels.

There is also much division in this world, whether it is because of the wealth distribution, religion or politics or a combination of them all, nobody is similar. Millions of people have a disadvantage because they are born somewhere in a less perfect environment . Somewhere where there is a lack of food, a continuous war, a dictator, poverty or a less hospitable nature.
Michael Tellinger showed us an interesting solution.
Let each citizen contribute their natural talents or acquired skills to the greater benefit of all in the community.

The native American Cherokee have a similar philosophy that says
if it’s not good for everyone, it’s no good for all.
This philosophy is one of the founding principles of our proposed system of Contributionism.
Read the complete story here >>

Non-Interference Law

Today I was listening and watching a video from David Icke. An interesting piece of work about the awakening of humans.

One part draw my attention. He said around the 55 minute mark the following:
I have a simple philosophy on life, so simple: Do what you like so long as you don’t impose it on others!
And I thought ‘Hey, this is similar to what I call the Non-Interference Law!‘

Basically, you can do whatever you want as long as you don’t interfere with someone else. For example, if you as pedestrian want to cross a road, but when the light is red, you are not to cross by law. However if there are no cars to be seen nearby or in the far distance, why can’t you cross? Well You Can! As at that moment you do not interfere with anyone else.

He followed his statement by another example, namely about a rave party. Some people like to have it quiet at home, others like to party. The solution is to create a place for people to party, so that they don’t disturb the ones who don’t like it. In the end you get a win-win situation!

It is very simple if you think about it. We should not impose our will, our way onto others. As not everyone feels or sees alike, we should respect each other for our wishes. If we can do that, it is one step in the good direction.